Reflections, installation, 49x49 cm

Fruity, installation, 29x29 cm


Reflections, installation, 49x49 cm

Marialucia Diaz´ professional life has elapsed facing countless of scenarios that bring nuance and tonal ranges to her professional growth. Her training includes courses in theater at the Lee Strasberg Theater Institute in NY, fashion and interior design at FIT in NY, drawing at Spring Studio in NY, "Art related to teaching" at Rice University and sculpture, jewelry and drawing workshops at SCAD Atlanta and Savannah. A wide range of artistic and intellectual interests are centered on the study of French civilization at the University of Nantes. Starting her professional career in the year 1993 Diaz, initiated a strong humanist commitment accompanied by a visible aesthetic development in a large body of work in reading and visual arts. Marialucia is a devoted artist. At the present time Marialucia develops a plastic proposal which has turned into an aesthetic reflection and the creation of a number of works that are based on the fragility of existence. The variety of sources that
surrounds her language has led to conceive her work as a multidisciplinary construction. This lead for her projects to get the benefit of the parallel use of both theoretical and practical resources present at the freshness and cleanness of the materials used. Vail on cotton, synthetic leather on silk, satin cloth over purple on gray, black on yellow, gray on blue, skin on sand and holding pins that puncture, loose threads and fabrics. Marialucia assembles her work with thoughtfulness and care- each stitch, scrap, cut, pin and thread and the relationship between them and the hierarchy applied to their order. The last set worked in 2012 "abacus" is witness of her thoughtful art, a series of trees assembled with tiny pieces of fabric on threads, A proposal that uses its form as a symbol, making an analogy between life and death, fragility and strength, interior and exterior, past, present and future